Thursday, 22 March 2012

Who is it?

This blog is about the issue of WHO is responsible for the death of Juliet. the answer depends on your point of view. It could be her parents, or the messenger, or even Juliet herself. The fact that there families were rivals would lead you to think that it was the parents faults. Then there is the fact that romeo never got the letters from the priest so he knew nothing about their plan. There is also the fact that Juliet was thirteen years old and rather naive. In retrospect anyone could be responsible for her death including her self. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start Brittnay - but the assignment called for you to take a side on who you think is responsible and then form a compelling argument that you are in fact correct.
    If you decide to re-post this please email me to let me know so thatI can check again.
    Thank you!
